Statement of Personal Learning Goals and Objectives
My learning goals are to based on the ALA’s Core Competencies (American Library Association, 2023), SLIS SLO, and a desire to learn about makerspaces.
Goal 1: Become knowledgeable in the ALA’s Core Competencies (American Library Association, 2023)
Objective 1: Become professionally competent in user services
Objective 2: Become competent in the organization of knowledge and information
Objective 3: Understand how management and administration is handled in libraries compared to other fields
Goal 2: To develop skills and acumen in makerspaces
Objective 1: Be able to able to operate a makerlab without needing assistance in running equipment
Objective 2: Be able to create and run programming fostering an environment of curiosity and learning for all ages
Goal 3: Become a well-connected member of the community and up to date with the latest library trends
Objective 1: Become a member of both state and national library associations
Objective 2: Attend professional conferences, roundtables, and workshops
Objective 3: Create a professional website to host STEAM-based programming ideas and present at library conferences
American Library Association. (2023). 2022 ALA core competences of librarianship_final. In American Library Association. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from
School of Library and Information Studies. (2022, October 10). Goals and student learning outcomes. The University of Oklahoma. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from